Saturday, November 27, 2010

Do-It-Yourself Mission

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon). When I moved to the Salt Lake Valley I became aware of literally hundreds of opportunities to serve as a Church-Service Missionary. Positions ranged from conducting tours at Church sites or training prisoners in family history indexing to locating real estate for buildings or helping people find employment. I was much blessed to be asked to serve in the Church Curriculum Department, where I have happily served for more than five years. But I have never lost my curiosity about what other service missionaries are doing in the Church, so periodically I sign onto the Church website to see what's available. Imagine my delight when I ran across the following entry under "Communications and Media."


Do you see a need where a Church-service Missionary could be of benefit to the Church? If you can identify a specific need, then call Elder Cornell Ullman at 503.656.2389 or click on “Request Information.”

Here is a wonderful example of "Design Your Own Mission.” A brother in the Oregon City Stake had a special talent of being able to form and lead successful ward choirs. So he designed his own position, completed the CSM Recommendation Form and was called to be a Church-service Missionary where he went throughout the Portland area coaching choir directors how to form and direct their ward choirs. The results blessed not only the choir director and the choir but also blessed the wards.

Skills: Use your expertise in designing you own Church-service Mission.
Location: Stakes within Southwest Washington, Oregon, United States 
See narrative.

Welfare Department

NANW Area Portland CS Missionary Group Coordinator(s):
Elder Cornell L. Ullman
Sister Patricia S. Ullman

Can you imagine how ecstatic bishops and ward choir directors are to have this talented man offer his services in such a way?  The possibilities boggle the mind:  Dance directors who know how to dance; basketball coaches who know how to play basketball; accountants who know how to count - all serving voluntarily in their areas of expertise to train ward members called to serve in positions in which they have little or no background.  That's what senior missionaries are supposed to be about anyway, but often they are called where there is the greatest need, which doesn't necessarily correspond to their greatest expertise. 

I don't want to demean or diminish in any way the inspiration of bishops and other priesthood leaders who call people to such positions, knowing they will grow in all kinds of important ways as they try to magnify their callings.  I have been a witness to frequent transformations.  At the same time, I think of many thousands of senior people throughout the Church with vast experience in all kinds of areas who might be far more likely to volunteer to serve if they knew they would be working in their own areas of experience and expertise.  So here's a challenge:  if you could design your own Church service mission (or your own volunteer experience if you're not LDS), what would it look like?   

1 comment:

The LaLa said...

Man, I don't know, but can I import this fellow from Portland to help me learn how to be a choir director?